Day 10: Setting the right expectations

Beyond chasing world-renowned attractions and wonderful dinning opportunities, I knew this trip was going to be a lot about self-reflection. I’m still not sure what the trip means for Nabol and I, but for my mom it’s about realizing who she has become over the years and understanding that the world she once knew is a very different place.

The places and the people in those places, have changed. That realization could either bring frustration or excitement depending on how you look at it.

So far, mami has just been excited about being back — which is great. It has been harder for her to realize that she’s not as young anymore and not exactly able to meet the long list of expectations. Her knees hurt, she gets tired and she can’t look as fabulous everyday. She even lost a day in Paris recuperating from a little cold.

But even under those circumstances, I want her to know that there are ways to enjoy yourself. In Paris, we found a nice grocery store with great wine, pastries and mushroom soup next to our Airbnb in the neighborhood of Grenelle. Basic things you need to deal with any cold or frustration. Turn on the local radio, listen to some tunes and voila! A great Paris experience!

Anybody can have a great time regardless of limitations. But you have to be kind to yourself first. Then, make the most of what each day brings.

Today, we are in Frankfurt. We arrived yesterday and got to meet my father-in-law and his German family for the first time. They live about 35 minutes from here in a town called Gettembach. It was so much fun catching up with them over coffee and German cake. We felt instantly at home.

Can’t wait to have a few drinks with them later today. And if you’re curious about it, continue to follow our journey on Instagram or YouTube. #A25DayJourney

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