About Us

Welcome to Kimchi and Beans! A husband and wife team, we're a Chicago-based blog on a mission to experience culture in and out of the kitchen. Find new recipes, unique markets and places to eat around Chicago, and lots of travel inspiration.

Why Kimchi and Beans? It’s a fun way to honor our Caribbean and Korean backgrounds, as well as the amazing cultural diversity featured in many of our stories. You’ll see posts that touch on our Caribbean upbringing, our experience living in different US cities and traveling to new countries.

We'd love to collaborate! We enjoy working on recipe development for brands, food styling, and travel features. For partnerships, questions and additional information on projects we've worked on, feel free to contact us at Kimchiandbeans@gmail.com.

Maria & Nabol
Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Maria is a creative advertising writer with a passion for food styling and good storytelling. Nabol was born in Seoul, South Korea and raised in Añasco, Puerto Rico. He's a technology analyst, self-taught cook, and lover of all things vegetarian.


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