White pizza with cherries

Cherry season is sadly gone, but we were happy to find a couple of bags on a trip to Bloomington, IL. We've been wanting to try a couple of cherry recipes, but ended up swapping them for peaches and stone fruit before we could find these. One of those recipes was a delicious sweet and salty cherry pizza that’s perfect for weekend brunches — a crazy idea that came up when planning our monthly blog posts. It was indeed incredibly delicious. But if you want to try it and don’t have any cherries, peaches or any stone fruit will work just fine.

Cherry pizza – Ingredients: (Measurements depend on number of people)
  • Freshly made pizza dough ($3 at Mariano’s)
  • Flour to work the dough
  • Cheeries, pitted and sliced in half
  • Mozzarella
  • Basil
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Apple vinegar
  • Parmesan cheese

  1. First make a syrup to top the pizza. Take equal parts balsamic and apple vinegar (about ½ a Cup each) and reduce in a pan until it thickens. Let it cool.
  2. Work the dough with a little flour until you have your base. You can make several small pizzas. 
  3. Brush the base with olive oil, add small chunks of mozzarella and sprinkle sea salt. Bake at 350 degrees until golden.
  4. While it's still hot, add sliced cherries and basil. Drizzle the syrup and finish with parmesan cheese. Voila!

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