Island Sangría

It’s true that Puerto Rico is the birthplace of piña colada and coquito. But there are so many other great cocktails like Chicaíto, Papa Jac, Whiskey Coco and Sangría that are more commonly consumed at social gatherings.

Sangría is particularly popular and you’ll find it in a great variety of creative interpretations prepared with different types of fruit, herbs and liquors ‑ a whole other phenomenon that is quite different from the Spanish version.

Every family has its own version and of course, we’re not the exception. While this is usually a best-kept secret, we’ll share it with all of you as our holiday gift. Yes, you’re welcome! Adjust it to your taste buds and let us know what you think.

Island Sangría – Ingredients:
  • 3-4 Empty bottles 
  • 2 Bottles of cheap white wine (like Cabernet Sauvignon) 
  • 1 Cup of fresh pineapple juice 
  • 1 Cup of fresh orange juice 
  • 1 Cup of unsweetened grape juice 
  • 1/3 Cup of DonQ white rum 

Mix all ingredients and pour it in the bottles. Refrigerate at least over night before serving. You can serve with pieces of fruit or as is. Enjoy!

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