Thank You 2019!

Camaraderie and collaboration have truly been the most exciting part of 2019. Joining forces with a diversity of creative minds here in the Midwest and Internationally has not only fueled our passion for content creation, but it has reinforced that fact the our unique talent and voice have a purpose. It’s much needed among an audience that is craving representation. And we’re not just talking about our Hispanic audience, but about everyone else who considers themselves outside of the typical spectrum.

While some of these creators might normally keep to themselves at work or in their social circles – the same way we do, they truly let their personalities shine in front of the camera so others can find a community they can identify with, where they can feel comfortable, express themselves and have fun. Then, as all of our channels come together to collaborate, these connections somehow also work like a chain reaction. Followers feel attracted to more of these communities and we’re slowly and quietly breaking barriers of acceptance and understanding.

Being able to connect with Youtubers and followers both online and offline has made us feel SUPPORTED, NEEDED, ACCOMPLISHED, CHALLENGED, CARED FOR. That’s something we all need more of. So a big thanks to all of you who keep us going. Let’s all continue to shine together in 2020. Happy New Year.

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