Nothing will ever go back to what it used to be. 😜

And that’s a good thing. It means that we’re growing, learning, and evolving, even more so than

we anticipated. If you read our post “Vlogging with a baby — the honest truth,” we still stand

by how great this vlogging evolution has been since Nico’s arrival.

We are unapologetically putting family first before our hobby — spending a lot less time on

social platforms or developing videos — but when we do grab the camera, we’re welcoming the

unscripted beauty that comes with bringing a 1-year-old along for the ride. As some of you

know, we struggled with the idea of having our kid on our videos, but we’re slowly letting go

knowing this might be the only way some of our friends and family will get to see our son.

Not to mention, babysitters are not within budget. 😂 And we enjoy taking Nico where we go.

So here we are… New logo. New chapter.

Like we said before, we won’t be unboxing strollers or providing “Top 10” parenting tips. We

respect and are very thankful for family vlogs helping clueless parents like us, but “our thing”

continues to be food and travel. It’s a hobby that keeps us happy and hungry for more.

We’re slowly refreshing our style and finding our voice post baby. And we’re very thankful to

collaborators and restaurants making it easy to vlog with our kiddo. If there’s something you

guys want to see more of, let us know in the comments down below or send us a message on

social media. We always appreciate your suggestions.

What’s New?

We started a new passion project of collecting recipes for our dear Nico and write them "Children's Book" style for him to enjoy. Since a lot of you have children too, we thought we would share them as blog posts and also as posts on our new IG page @WhatWeAteAsKids.

Plus, we’ll continue to update our blog with new recipes and other interesting food and

travel bits.

Youtube-wise, we’re working on a couple of fun guides for those interested in Chicagoland.

And we hope to include more videos of international foods around the city soonish. So stay tuned for

that. As always, you can follow us on Instagram for more immediate updates @Kimchiandbeans.

Love you all. Sending virtual hugs to all.


  1. Always enjoy your videos of my home town Chicago. You are right family is first and Nico is growing to fast.

  2. First time reader long time watcher.

  3. i'd say go w the flow. sometimes even w nico there it'll be easier to videotape just the two of you, depending on the situation. in other situations it may be more fun for you to show nico. those of us not interested in food vlogs w a kid may fade away but it's your choice, your content.

  4. Children change you. You goals your priorities. I'm glad you are moving on to new ideas. You are both adorable and so is your baby!

